Misleading claims arise about Spravato, an antidepressant nasal spray
Mental healthRecent discussions also stigmatized bipolar disorder and used mental health terms to joke about Elon Musk’s arm gesture at the presidential inauguration....
Recent discussions also stigmatized bipolar disorder and used mental health terms to joke about Elon Musk’s arm gesture at the presidential inauguration....
Other conversations corrected misconceptions about Plan B and proposed strategies for dealing with increasing abortion restrictions....
Plus, vaccine posts discuss exemptions and cancer myths. Regional conversations discuss childhood vaccines, edible vaccines, and the “quad-demic.”...
Plus, vaccine posts discuss exemptions and cancer myths. Regional conversations discuss childhood vaccines, edible vaccines, and the “quad-demic.”...
Plus, posts shared the misleading claim that antidepressants worsen mental health conditions and discussed the mental health impacts of TikTok....
And a harm reduction vending machine in New York received pushback and prompted questions about Narcan storage....
Posts also blamed immigrants for the opioid crisis and highlighted the inaugural national Substance Use Disorder Treatment Month....
This week, debates spiked online about maternal and COVID-19 vaccine safety, while regional conversations discussed school and employer vaccine mandates....
This week, debates spiked online about maternal and COVID-19 vaccine safety, while regional conversations discussed school and employer vaccine mandates....
Plus, posts shared misleading claims about the mental health impacts of abortion and discussed reasons for taking or discontinuing birth control pills....