CDC study and measles outbreaks continue to fuel vaccine safety myths online

This week, a proposed CDC study into vaccines and autism, an ongoing measles outbreaks, and a 20-year-old news clip drove conversations about vaccine safety and effectiveness.

CDC study and measles outbreaks continue to fuel vaccine safety myths online

This week, a proposed CDC study into vaccines and autism, an ongoing measles outbreaks, and a 20-year-old news clip drove conversations about vaccine safety and effectiveness.

Online vaccine conversations this week focused on the myth that vaccines cause autism, false claims about measles, and flu vaccine effectiveness. While social media users debated whether additional research into the disproven link between vaccines and autism is needed, new and old myths about measles vaccines continued to spread online as the U.S. outbreaks surpassed 350 cases. Meanwhile, a 20-year-old study about flu vaccine effectiveness went viral after a popular vaccine opponent misleadingly claimed it proves the flu shot is a “failure.”

Insights brought to you by the reporters and science writers of Public Good News (PGN), a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to improving community health.

False narratives about vaccines and autism continue to circulate across social media platforms. Much of the conversations are related to the CDC’s plan to research the debunked link, with popular posts supporting and criticizing the proposed study. Supporters say that vaccine advocates should welcome additional studies and falsely insinuate that vaccines don’t undergo rigorous safety testing before and after approval. Critics emphasize that there are already decades of research definitively disproving the link and that additional CDC studies are a waste of time and resources that won’t add to knowledge about vaccine safety.

Although online posts about measles have declined since last week, the conversation has continued as infections surpassed 350 nationwide. Several posts continued to minimize the severity of measles and claimed that news coverage of ongoing outbreaks is fearmongering to promote vaccines. Some vaccine opponents argued that measles outbreaks prove that vaccines don’t work, while others continued to allege without evidence that the MMR vaccines caused the outbreaks. Other myths that continue to spread are claims that vitamin A can prevent measles, that the measles vaccine causes autism, and that the vaccine is more dangerous than the disease.

An old news segment discussing a 2005 NIH study about flu vaccine efficacy in older adults is circulating among popular anti-vaccine accounts, garnering widespread attention. The study found that flu-related deaths in older adults did not decrease during the study period despite a significant increase in flu vaccine uptake. Posts sharing the clip claim that the study proves the flu vaccine is ineffective. Several posts suggest that the study was “buried” and that NIH officials “don’t want you to know” about a study the agency conducted, published, and widely publicized 20 years ago. Some posts expressed distrust in people promoting flu vaccines and claimed that they are “done with flu shots forever.” The segment was first shared last week by a well-known vaccine opponent with a large online following. The clip has since been viewed millions of times across multiple social media platforms, often accompanied by posts repeating myths about flu vaccine safety.

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Recommendations brought to you by the health communication experts behind

Recommendations for public health professionals

Each week the team will provide messaging recommendations in response to some of the trending narratives outlined above. These helpful tips can be used when creating content, updating web pages and FAQs, and to inform strategy for messaging about vaccines.

The myth that vaccines cause autism has fueled vaccine hesitancy for decades and has gained mainstream traction in recent years. Debunking messaging may emphasize that there are dozens of studies and decades of research proving that vaccines are safe and don’t cause autism. The only “evidence” supporting the myth is a retracted study from discredited researchers.

A new survey found that support for requiring children to get MMR and other vaccines before entering school has declined since 2015, indicating that confidence in routine vaccines is waning. Messaging may explain that measles is an extremely contagious and potentially deadly disease that can be easily prevented through vaccination. Talking points may emphasize that vaccination is the only protection against measles.

Flu vaccination rates have gradually declined since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Concerns about effectiveness and safety are the leading reasons for flu vaccine hesitancy. Talking points may highlight the risks of getting the flu and spreading it to others. Explaining that vaccination protects against severe illness, serious flu-related complications, and death is recommended

Interested in recommendations tailored to health care providers? Click here.