Posts celebrate declining suicide rates among Native American people in New Mexico
Discussions also called for more suicide prevention resources and highlighted the importance of school programs that support students with disabilities and mental health conditions.

Discussions also called for more suicide prevention resources and highlighted the importance of school programs that support students with disabilities and mental health conditions.
This past week, articles reported that suicide rates among Native American people in New Mexico dramatically declined between 2022 and 2023, generating conversation about the importance of culturally competent mental health resources. Other posts demanded more suicide prevention resources and shared concerns about potentially losing federal programs that support students with disabilities and mental health conditions.
In response, communicators may share mental health resources geared toward high-risk populations, recirculate suicide prevention resources, and explain how students with disabilities and mental health conditions can request accommodations at school.

Insights brought to you by the reporters and science writers of Public Good News (PGN), a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to improving community health.
What’s trending nationally in conversations about mental health
On January 28, articles reported that suicide rates among Native American people in New Mexico decreased by 43 percent between 2022 and 2023. Mental health experts attributed the decline in suicides to tribal and state initiatives, such as Native American-centered mental health programs and culturally appropriate promotional materials for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Social media posts across platforms celebrated the news, with some receiving thousands of likes. Some comments read, “Mental health programs work” and “Cultural competency is not ‘woke.’ It’s just good care.”
On January 29, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office in Florida shared a Facebook post stating that police officers had helped a young person who had allegedly intended to jump off of a bridge and die by suicide. The post included a photo of the person sitting on a bridge with their face obscured, noted that the person was now safe, and encouraged people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts to call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The post received approximately 1.1 million views, 19,200 reactions, 2,900 shares, and 1,200 comments as of February 5. Many comments thanked the officers and shared their experiences supporting loved ones with mental health conditions. Others stated that there are not adequate mental health resources to prevent people from getting “to this point.”
On February 1, a post in a Gen Z Reddit forum asked what others thought about President Donald Trump’s plan to close the Department of Education. The post received approximately 18,000 upvotes and 3,800 comments as of February 5. Many comments expressed concern for students with disabilities and mental health conditions, stating that without programs funded by the Department of Education, those students may not succeed in school. Others shared their personal experiences seeking disability accommodations at school.

Recommendations brought to you by the health communication experts behind
Recommendations for public health professionals
Each week, the team will provide messaging recommendations in response to some of the trending narratives outlined above. These helpful tips can be used when creating content, updating web and FAQ pages, and developing strategy for messaging about mental health.
Conversations about declining suicide rates among Native American People in New Mexico provide an opportunity to circulate mental health resources geared toward high-risk populations and to ensure partners know these resources are available. Examples include the BIPOC-led Call BlackLine, the Indigenous-led StrongHearts Native Helpline, the LGBT National Help Center, the Trevor Project’s hotline for LGBTQ+ youth, and Trans Lifeline. Ensuring that all materials are culturally competent and tailored to your organization’s target populations is recommended.
In response to discussions about suicide prevention, communicators may share the warning signs of suicide and general mental health resources, including therapist directories, support groups, local mental health centers, and the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Sharing resources for people who have lost loved ones to suicide is also recommended.
As conversations circulate about student accommodations, communicators may want to share information about how to request accommodations for disabilities and mental health conditions at school and college. Communicators may also want to outline common accommodations and share mental health management tips for students.