President-elect’s speech prompts stigmatizing discussion about depression
A Reddit post sparked conversation about treatment for complex PTSD.

A Reddit post sparked conversation about treatment for complex PTSD.
This past week, an X post shared a video of then-candidate Donald Trump claiming that working hard can “stop depression.” The video garnered more than a million views, and many comments expressed stigmatizing views about depression. Plus, a Reddit post about a person’s negative experience with a new therapist generated discussion about treatment for complex post-traumatic stress disorder, which can result from experiencing chronic trauma.
In response, communicators may recirculate information about treatment options for both depression and CPTSD, as well as therapist directories, support groups, and other local mental health services.

Insights brought to you by the reporters and science writers of Public Good News (PGN), a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to improving community health.
What’s trending nationally in conversations about mental health
During a rally leading up to the presidential election, Donald Trump stated, “You know the best way to stop depression? Work your ass off.” On November 2, an X post shared a video of Trump’s statement, attracting approximately 1.6 million views, 70,000 likes, 10,000 reposts, and 1,300 comments as of November 6. Many comments echoed Trump’s sentiment, stating, "When you’re pushing yourself to the limit, grinding toward a goal, there’s no room left for anxiety, no space for doubt.” Some also shared the stigmatizing view that depression is caused by laziness (“An idle mind is the source of most of the mental health problems we have”). Several other comments falsely claimed that depression is a modern issue created by pharmaceutical companies to make money from antidepressant medications.
A recent Reddit post described a distressing experience with a new therapist. According to the U.K.-based author of the post, they scheduled an appointment with a new therapist to treat complex post-traumatic stress disorder, or CPTSD. After telling the therapist that they had previously undergone therapy to address ongoing CPTSD symptoms, the therapist said that CPTSD is “easy to cure” and that they “should be cured by now.” When the Reddit user told the therapist that this comment was concerning, the therapist stated that they could not work together, ending their session after just 12 minutes. The incident left the Reddit user feeling discouraged about continuing therapy and questioning whether CPTSD can truly be resolved quickly. The post received approximately 1,900 upvotes and 670 comments as of November 6. Most comments criticized the therapist, correctly stating that treating CPTSD takes time and that it can be a lifelong condition for some. Some comments also encouraged the person who wrote the post to seek help from another therapist.

Recommendations brought to you by the health communication experts behind
Recommendations for public health professionals
Each week, the team will provide messaging recommendations in response to some of the trending narratives outlined above. These helpful tips can be used when creating content, updating web and FAQ pages, and developing strategy for messaging about mental health.
In response to discussion about the causes of depression, messaging may emphasize that many factors can lead to depression and that it is a real medical condition. Communicators may explain that overworking can lead to depression and can also be a symptom of depression, particularly in men. Sharing tips for maintaining work-life balance is recommended. Communicators may also recirculate information about the signs of depression across demographics and treatment options, such as therapy and antidepressant medications. Highlighting lifestyle changes that have been shown to support mental health—such as getting regular exercise, eating a nutrient-dense diet, sleeping enough, maintaining connections with loved ones, managing stress, and practicing meditation—is recommended.
Conversations about CPTSD provide an opportunity to explain that this condition results from prolonged trauma and can require lifelong management in some cases. Messaging may highlight CPTSD symptoms and treatment options, which may include therapy and medications. Sharing therapist directories where people can search for local therapists who specialize in CPTSD, as well as support groups and local mental health centers, is recommended.