Minneapolis photojournalist who claims to have been injured by a COVID-19 vaccine garners support online

An article on a conspiracy news website recently shared the story of a Minneapolis photojournalist who claims to be experiencing weakness, headaches, and brain fog due to an alleged COVID-19 vaccine injury. The story was published on another conspiracy news website and shared on multiple social media platforms. Comments on the original article promote a number of false claims about COVID-19 vaccines, with some users calling the vaccines “bioweapons” and “a depopulation control shot.”

Recommendation: Vaccine opponents often cite cases of alleged vaccine injuries to promote distrust in vaccination. Trending news articles and social media posts about alleged vaccine injuries provide an opportunity for health agencies, community-based organizations, and other partners to recirculate existing content about COVID-19 vaccine safety. Continuing to reiterate that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and that there is no evidence of widespread vaccine injuries is recommended. If responding directly to conspiracy theories that COVID-19 vaccines have been engineered to cause harm, messaging may emphasize that COVID-19 vaccines are not bioweapons and are not part of a “depopulation plan.”